Keep Going

“You can’t quit. You can’t give up because perhaps you were put in this position for such a time as this.” In case you’re unfamiliar with the words ‘for such a time as this,’ they come of a book in the Bible about this amazing boss-lady named Esther. 

“Shut up,” I said. Yes, I blurted out those words in a small room where about twenty people were gathered for a talk on creating a Special Friends Ministry. I have no idea how (probably by the grace of God), but no one heard my words (or maybe they were just too kind to point out my word vomit). 

This man who was speaking had gone there. He had pulled on my heart strings and reminded me why I was put on this Earth.  

Three years ago, my son Kaiden received his official diagnosis of Autism. If you don’t know what it feels like to have some sort of diagnosis given to your child, let me enlighten you. It’s like someone punches you in the stomach, takes every hope and dream you have, throws it out the window, and proceeds to light it on fire. At least, that’s how I felt.  

The man who was speaking was reminding me. He was reminding me to stay in the fight. That somehow, someway, God would reshape those burnt ashes of dreams into something beautiful. Beautiful dreams of speaking to large crowds about the importance of accepting others, dreams of educating others regarding how to reach across barriers and do life together.  

I say all this to remind you whatever your dream is, if you’re on the path, gone astray, or completely abandoned the path for a new one, don’t give up. “You can’t quit because perhaps God put you in this position for such a time as this.” 

Allison Fournier is the Coaching and Programs Manager for The Banquet Network. For more stories like this one, go to our blog page, or click to connect, learn or donate to the mission of The Banquet Network.